
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Greater is He that is in you

This is the first paragraph of today's lesson taken straight from the book.

  • We do indeed have an enemy who seeks to undermine our confidence in God by breathing lies to us, who tells us to put off obeying until "tomorrow" and that the consequences of disobedience won't be severe. Continually he tells us God won't be enough. God doesn't really love us, care for us, or have our best at heart. All lies.

    Often, our greatest battles take place in our minds. Satan breathes lies, and we need to be prepared to counteract those lies with truth. Perhaps the greatest lie is that God won't be enough--if we run to Him, we won't really be satisfied. The serpent told Eve she needed more and when she believed him, her fate became as miserable as Cain's. Satan is a liar and the father of lies. He's after you as well. We are at war, and we must have a battle plan, a strategy.

It's hard for us to remember that we are fed lies daily. It's not our bellies that's our souls. We are being lied to in so many ways and perhaps it's just that we lack the confidence in God that He will truly be sufficient. When we are faced with temptation today, we need to fight it with Scripture.

Obviously there is more Scripture that can be quoted back to Satan, but the idea is that we actually do use Scripture. It isn't called a sword for nothing. In and of ourselves, we cannot accomplish anything, but greater is he that is in me that he that is in the world.

  • God it is so important that I realize your power in me; that I don't have to give in to the flesh. You created me for your glory. Please give me the strength to glorify you. In all things. I don't want Satan to fool me any longer. I realize that I allow him to fool me and I confess my distrust in you and your word in regards to food. I want to give it to you. I do not want to continue being a slave to my sins and you have won that battle. Win the battle for me too.