
Thursday, October 23, 2008

On a personal note...

I am truly thankful for the energy I have today despite waking too early with a headache and feeling completely and totally overwhelmed! I am getting things accomplished (which usually means that I am making more of a mess than when I started...)but I think something is changing in my head and though I am severely outnumbered and need help to do these tasks, I am taking them on with a glad heart because it is not honoring to God being a bad steward of all that He has given us whether it's person, tangible thing or non-tangible thing. With that being quickly blurted out, I am off to get the kitchen cleaned. I hope you ladies are having a good day! So far this blog has been teaching rather than talking, but I think it's been many fold in reasons. This post is just here to say, "I am a real person...see, I'm finally getting around to removing the bologna that has turned a strange color of brown because it's been on the counter since lunch...yesterday!"