
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Day one on Thursday evening...nice start!

This weeks memory passage is Psalm 34:8-9

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.
Fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing.

The first thing that the study is asking for is to list one hope that I have as a result of this. For me I suppose it would be to truly be able to acknowledge my soul hunger and to satisfy it properly instead of trying to figure it out on my own as I would typically do. In order to do that we basically have to go to the beginning...the "put off/put on" principle. Put off the old habit and put on a new/good one. In this case it's called the "stop/start" principle. Stop filling voids in all the wrong places and start running to God. That's hard to do sometimes. In a world full of immediate gratification, even we as Christians find it easier to take a quick fix (in my case, chocolate or Starbuck's, etc.) rather than taking time to focus on the true issue which is a yearning for more of Christ.

  • God, so often my priorities are wrong and though I hear your Spirit telling me something, I often ignore it, convincing myself that I will do "whatever" tomorrow. I want you to be number one at all times and not just when it seems convenient or when there's nothing better to do or watch on tv. My basic request is that you will change my heart in the areas that remain hard and disobedient. I try to conquer bad eating habits on my own and so far it isn't working. Show me how to submit to your Lordship over that area in my life for I want all I do to bring you glory. I want to taste and see that the Lord is good.