
Friday, November 21, 2008

Here We Go Again

After the Holy Spirit strongly convicting me yesterday afternoon at my front door (yes, that was through you, Michelle), here I am. Sadly, the last date written in my journal for this study is October 30 and paying attention in any capacity to what I am putting in my mouth ends at about that date too. But today I woke early, which I know is the only time I will truly be able to focus my mind for the day. Thank you, Lord, for giving me the strength to roll out of bed when I really was cozy.

I am still on week one and today I did day 4.

God is my portion!

Psalm 16

Psalm 73:25-27

Oh, God, I confess my distraction and my idolatry of "life" (food, kids, adoption paperwork, etc) over you. You are my portion, God, and You are the only thing that will ultimately satisfy. I thank You for Christian women in my life to come alongside and support me. May I also be a support to them. I pray right now that Michelle and Sam will "taste and see that YOU are good" today. You are so good!

Thanks for persevering through my silence, Michelle. Sam, when we talked the other day I didn't ask how this part of your life is going. Hope to hear from you soon!