
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Come, all who are thirsty

You know, today my heart is heavy. I am sad and I am going to send out a request here, instead of doing today's study lesson. I understand that with this being an open blog, there may be readers out there who have passed us by and grunted in disgust at what we write; what we believe. They may even mock Christians and have complete disregard for all things of God. There are many reasons people are that way.
First and foremost is simply because we are all sinners. Sin does some crazy stuff. We are born sinners and many of us are so lucky to be chosen into God's family. Secondly, Some of us are born into Christian homes and many of those homes are strong for the Lord and always remain in Him. Unfortunately not all do. In fact, to those cynics out there who think that Christians and preachers are always dabbling in extra affairs, you have seen what sin can do firsthand; you just thought Christians and preachers were immune.
When you are brought up in a strong Christian home, perhaps where your dad is a pastor, it is devastating when your pastor dad falls to sin. PEOPLE, Christianity is not a cure for sin. Christians sin every day and often times are the most prone to temptation. CHRIST is the cure for sin.
I know a family that is going through such a struggle. He was a pastor; talented for God. The kids were fantastic. The marriage seemed enviable. The kids loved their dad. They weren't perfect, but boy did they seem to make it work.
Currently dad is off with another woman from his congregation. Mom is brokenhearted because there seems to be no reason for his leaving. She was truly his helper and followed in his every pursuit. Kids are angry, to say the least. Dad has new kids he's taken on and has forgotten his own.
Guys, sin is terrible. It destroys even the best of lives. I feel I'm about to get up on a huge soap box here of how we as Christians should be ever careful in all that we do. Learn what inappropriate relationships with other men and women look like. Pastors have it hardest of all, I think. Our culture and our trends have made it increasingly more difficult for a pastor to remain pure while he is at the pulpit preaching.
Christian women; good, kind, compassionate, god-loving women sit in the congregation, in front of our pastors and next to our husbands wearing low cut shirts and short shirts and plain ol' sexy clothes. Christian men, protect your wives. Protect yourselves. Protect other men and their wives. How, you say? By being jealous for your wife and her body. She is not a trophy. She is your wife. What beautiful curves she has are yours to see and no one else's. Do you get it?
I am not some scorned wife here who is ticked off because someone caught my husband's eye. I am a sad and disappointed woman who has friends that don't seem to get it. I am a sister and a mom to people who don't get it. In our culture, we cannot be too careful or too modest. The best that can happen is that someones eyes can be spared. The worst that can happen is you may have more layers on that you wanted or you may not get to wear the latest trends in fashion. So what.
We are raising men and women of the future. Men nowadays aren't as strong as they once were and a lot of that is due to Satan using women to wear them down. Often the women are Christians. C'mon ladies, step up to the plate here and fight for your men. Be respectful of them even when they don't seem to care what you wear. Be respectful to your friends and their husbands with how you act and dress. Most importantly, honor God with your body and your mind. Ok, off soap box...
Sin destroys. Christians, we know this. People who wouldn't consider themselves Christians, you know something is off, but perhaps you don't know what. It's sin. It's destroying your family. It's ruining your kids. It's defiled your marriage. It's corrupted your life. It has lied to you telling you that what you are doing "isn't so bad." What are you going to do about it? Jesus Christ is the answer.
If you want to know more, you can ask questions in the comments or you can go here. I don't know if it's the best page to go to, but the diagrams are explained fairly well, I think.
In the meantime, please pray for the family I mentioned. Pray for our husbands, brothers and sons. Pray for our sisters, friends and daughters. Pray for purity in our nation. Pray for purity in our churches. Pray for purity in our homes. Pray for purity in our minds.

  • God, we have become so corrupt and we say that it's not so bad. Surely I'm not offending. We all offend and yet we try to justify it somehow. Please give us minds that are aware and hearts that desire to change. Sin doesn't have to defeat us, so please give us the strength to do what's right no matter how alluring the alternative seems to be. The pleasure is only but for a moment but the pain can be forever.