Oh, I am so behind on this study. I don't have extra kids today, but Caleb is out on Thanksgiving break, so I am trying to have some quiet time with my three kids running around. We allowed them to stay up a little later...hoping they would sleep in a little, but no luck. So with that, I have read, prayed, and tried to focus on God's word in the midst of the loud noises this morning.
I've dropped the ball so badly on this study. I am still on week 1...Less is more. I'm convicted not only of my eating behaviors, but of my sleep habits, etc. I've been made aware of my sleepiness/fatigue caused by my fibromyalgia, and yes, that kicks my butt, but God has also shown me my love for sleep on days to where I have gotten plenty of rest. It was that conviction that got me up and at 'em this morning. Although I slept until 6, I could so easily put in a movie and have the kids lay around for an hour while I dose in and out. I'm actually still fighting that tempting thought as I type. Isn't that terrible? But God reminded me that resting is different than lazyiness, and that I need to get up and begin my day. So with that, I'm off to the shower and then to do laundry. Erin, it is Monday you know. :) Laundry day!!! :) I'm thinking of you guys so much and pray that you have a great day of moderation!
Dear Lord,
Please forgive me of my lazyness. Help me to always listen to my body...not just for when it is truly hungry, but also when it is time to rest. Help me not to give in to either before it is time because I know too much rest isn't good for me either. Help me to understand my firbromyalgia condition and to not confuse those symptoms with symptoms of the devil trying to steal my day. Please continue to speak to us in ways we can understand, and help the 3 of us glorify you with our bodies, but more importantly, with our hearts that drive our actions and attitudes. We love you Lord, help us to love you more...we believe, but help our unbelief.
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