When I first started running this is how I started:
I literally began by jogging for 5 minutes. I would run for 2:30 one way and then jog back. Starting at such a small increment made it easier to accomplish my goals. I didn't just wake up one day and say, "I think I'll run 26 miles."
I even had a chart that I checked off as I completed each workout. If I looked ahead, I would feel overwhelmed that soon I would be jogging 10 miles . . . 15 miles, etc! But if I looked at the week I was on, I was confident. Last week I ran 2 miles. This week I'm supposed to go for 3 miles. I can do that!
So it is with training myself to be a woman of moderation. Small victories are important, just as you said, Sam. And the small victories, if consistent, can and will lead to larger victories!
Thank you God, for last night. I was planning and plotting through the evening that once I had completed a few household tasks I would "reward" myself with . . . I didn't know what, but I was plotting some type of pantry raid. Thank you for that still, small voice whispering to me as I was just about to head to the kitchen, 'You don't need that. What you need is Me and what you need to do is go to bed and rest.' God, thank you for the strength you gave me to obey. That small victory was like a 5 minute jog. I want to be a woman of moderation - I want to reach that goal, but I'm beginning to understand that it's the small things that I obey You in that will lead me to my ultimate destination.
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