First off is one of the verses for the week. I Corinthians 6:12 says "All things are lawful (permissible) for me but I will not be mastered by anything."
That verse alone should be able to give us so much freedom, but instead I believe it, at times, binds us even more. We go overboard in our "lawful" things instead of being thankful that we are "allowed" these things, for lack of better words.
I don't think I have ever leaned toward asceticism, which is what the Biblical fast is NOT. Asceticism denies the body completely and permanently of pleasure in order to attain a higher level of spirituality.
- John Piper explains the existence of a path between the path of asceticism and total indulgence and that is the path of "pleasant pain." We deny ourselves in order to break the chains that bind us, but also that we might know more of Christ. We give up food for a time so that we might HUNGER FOR GOD, so that we might know more of Christ.
There were 2 passages to look at today, but I will only brush on the first one. Colossians 2:6-8 is the first one in which we are exhorted to walk in Christ. (The second passage was Colossians 2:16-23). I used Tim's Complete Word Study of the New Testament to find out some of the Greek meanings and such for some of the words and the word for "walk" means to be occupied. We are to be occupied with Christ. I know we know that, but I'm just pointing it out. There's a bigger epiphany to come.
We can only be occupied with Christ if we are firmly rooted in Him, verse 7. Then the kicker for me was in verse 8 when we are warned against being spoiled or taken captive or as the word means in the Greek, SEDUCED.
Girls, do we let ourselves be seduced by other men away from our husbands? No. I fight to be preoccupied with Tim by being firmly rooted in him. Why then do I allow myself to be seduced, as it is, by food (chocolate) when there is Christ who can satisfy me? Following an affair never lasts. For the Christian, it is empty, lonely, painful, doesn't satisfy like your spouse can. Chocolate, among other things for me, is empty, lonely, painful, will not satisfy me like Christ can. The goal for me is to be thankful and content with less of the good thing and discontent with my consumption of Christ.
- God, I want to starve for you. I want the gnawing in my belly to shout that you are alive and I need to feast on you. Thank you that I didn't overdo it on the fudge yesterday, even though I broke the fast as I was making dinner. Grab hold of our hearts and our minds so we aren't seduced by the pleasures of this world; so that we are not preoccupied by them rather than by you. Thank you for Sam and Erin and their like desire to be overindulged with you. Please show each of us little victories that will keep us persevering in this race. We want to finish and be able to live as women of moderation, for your glory!!! Your unworthy child, Michelle.
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